First AID

In this session you will find First Aid at Work lev 1, 2 and 3 courses; Emergency First Aid at Work; AED Certification with American Heart Association and ILCOR Guideline.

con il Senatore Antonino Monteleone

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 (the First Aid Regulations) refer to first aid as the treatment given to someone to preserve their life and minimise the consequences of injury and illness until help from a medical practitioner or nurse is obtained, and; the treatment of minor injuries which would otherwise receive no treatment…

In this section you can evaluate my background and follow the line of certification of your certificate

Emergency First Aid at Work   Emergency first aid at work (EFAW) training enables a first-aider to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work.

Thanks to an idea by Dr Marco Squicciarini, the multilingual unblocking maneuvers in the posters you can find below have been validated at the Ministry of Health and at the United Nations World Food Programme.

The term ‘BLS’ on the certificates issued by the AHA.

Employers’ health and safety responsibilities Employers have responsibilities for the health and safety of their employees and any visitors to their premises such as customers, suppliers and the general public. As well as these duties, there are regulations to deal with particular hazards and for industries where hazards are particularly high.

References to back blows in airway obstructions

Il 1 febbraio 2024, nella cornice maestosa del Palazzo delle Nazioni Unite del World Food Programme, si è svolto un evento di straordinaria importanza. I corsi dedicati allo staff e al personale in forza al WFP, guidati dal rinomato Dr. Marco Squicciarini, hanno rappresentato un momento fondamentale di formazione e crescita.

Giornata formativa internazionale alle Nazioni Unite. Grazie alla collaborazione con Squicciarini Rescue srl, gli Esculapiani sono riusciti a mettere piede dentro uno dei posti più importanti nei quali fare training.  

Sabato 13 maggio 2023 via Zoom, in collaborazione con #fondazionedisardegna e #MCTraining la 3° data del progetto “Sonno Sicuro e taglio dei cibi”.  

Iniziamo ad introdurre il progetto “Sonno sicuro e taglio dei cibi” con un po di informazioni inerenti il sonno sicuro.   La sindrome della morte improvvisa infantile (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – SIDS), conosciuta anche come morte in culla (“Crib death”) o morte improvvisa del lattante, consiste in un decesso improvviso di un bambino di…